Sunday, February 17, 2008

Radiohead and Thom Yorke

I love the Beatles and I always will, but DAMN I love Radiohead. I could listen to Thom Yorke's voice all day. Actually, I wouldn't mind having a cup of tea with him and just looking at him, hearing what he has to say about life.

My favorite songs are 15 Steps, Bodysnatchers, Jigsaw Falling Into Place, Paranoid Android, In Limbo, National Anthem...but really all the songs are gorgeous. OK Computer, In Rainbows and Kid A are incredible albums, and I like The Bends, but I guess it wasn't weird enough for me. I didn't really care for Pablo Honey. I haven't heard Amnesiac, Hail to the Thief yet. So how can ya be a fan if ya ain't heard all the tunes, Jen? I just am!

Gee, how many other Radiohead fans have typed the exact same thing as this? I don't really care, I just had to write about it!

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