Saturday, February 16, 2008

One of the few things I enjoy lately...

Not so long ago, I realized that I wanted to start recycling. Our bin was stowed away at the side of the house and it was filled with dead branches. I wondered "How much time and effort would it take to start recycling? Probably too long..." It started off small enough: a few tin cans here and there. Then I began looking closely at items for the ubiquitous recycling symbol, and I was mesmerized by just how much I could keep from going to the dump, only to decompose (or not)over a very, very long time. It's amazing how much you can recycle! Every Friday I fill the bin to the rim and this last Friday, the bin was filled to capacity, plus an extra 6 inches over the top! I like it so much, that I have noticed a bit of a sanctimonious feeling come over me when I see a lack of bins out on Fridays, or ones that are not filled all the way. I would think, "Come on people, you can do this!" But this is the first thing I have been really stoked about in a long time because I feel that in some way (no matter how miniscule), I am doing something for the environment.

I'm going to hug some more trees now. Our oak tree in the back yard looks a little forlorn...:)

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