Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Ava's Evaluation

Ava was evaluated today in all areas of development, and was found to be significantly delayed in ALL areas…

UNTIL I noticed on her eligibility determination sheet that they had written her age as 31 months. I asked the team about it and told them that she is only 19 months, at which time they apologized profusely. They then said she is not significantly delayed in any area, and only slightly delayed in adaptive skills.

Her age level at the different areas of development follows:

Cognitive 19 months
Expressive communication 19 months
Receptive communication 19 months
Motor 19 months
Social/Emotional 18 months
Adaptive (feeding/eating, dressing and sleeping) 16 months

Remember, they thought she was 31 months old, so the above numbers would have reflected a serious delay if that was her age.

I’m relieved! She’s going to have a hearing test and I’d like to get her tested for anemia.

That’s all for now!

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