Thursday, April 28, 2005

From the desk of Ms. Futility 2005

Today I am in a particularly shitty mood, and I do not know why. I started feeling a bit peeved when I found that my soapstone incense burner that Aaron got me for our anniversary had been broken by one of the cats. Probably Minerva. Then I am overwhelmed by my lack of motivation or drive to do anything but eat and sleep. I seem to be regaining weight,but will I quit eating junk? It doesn't look like it, motherfucker. Thanks for asking. I called my mom and she told me that LF's last concert of her high school career will be tonight at 7pm. I told her I would bring Ava and then my fucking dad has to chime in and express his concern and/or displeasure over that. He needs to mind his own goddamned business. I'll bring her to the fucking concert if I want to. That's right, please meddle in my business. You make everything so much better. That kind of started me on a frustration binge.
Lately I am realizing that I do not like the person I have been all my life: selfish, lazy, insensitive. To name a few. Did I mention self-absorbed and hypocritical? And an awful fucking employee? Yep, it's true. Just ask LRS. Like Kurt Cobain once sang, I'd like to "beat me out of me."

I feel defeated and I haven't even decided to fight.

WWGD: What Would George Do?

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