Friday, December 05, 2008

Ad Hoc, Ad Loc and Quid Pro Quo!

Lorem ipsum vim ut utroque mandamus intellegebat, ut eam omittam ancillae sadipscing, per et eius soluta veritus.


***This is what is written in the body of the default post when you configure the layout of the blog. Ya know, layout, blog edit...etc. here on Scroll down below the settings and you'll see it. It's jibberish, but the first 2 words are actual Latin and the rest of it looks enough like Latin to confuse everyone.***

And the title comes from what Jeremy says in Yellow Submarine!


BIBI said...

Okay, I wish I knew what you were saying 'cause it sure looks interesting. Is it Latin?

Mr. Bill said...

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Of course, I have no idea what you just said....I recognize the Ad Hoc and Quid Pro Quo, but it's late in the day and I'm fried.

I took Latin in High School, but that was too many years ago. :)

Anonymous said...

very clever!!