Thursday, June 15, 2006

My kind of station...So pathetic, it's brilliant!

XM: Special X, Channel 848

Rock on, boys!

Special X is traditional radio's worst nightmare...a collection of the most bizarre and often worst music ever recorded. So's brilliant. A clearly deranged channel, Special X will take any sane mind to new depths of artistic insanity.

Just played:
Do Ya Think I'm Sexy by Those Darn Accordians. Yes, you hear a triangle in there! Put together wobbly vocals, strange musical accompaniments, the tingle of a triangle and Rod Stewart's saucy sexed-up disco lyrics and what you have is a god-awful mess, or genius!
Either way, it's fun!
Now playing is Like A Rolling Stone butchered, erm, recited by Sebastian Cabot of Family Affair. Yes, Mr. French does Dylan. Badly.
But good for a larf. He does sound sincere, which makes it even funnier.
Like the station's slogan says, "If everyone hates it, we'll probably play it!"
Love it!

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